Base64 is an encoding scheme which transforms binary data into ASCII character stream. In other words - binary data consists of bytes holding 8 meaningful(carrying information) bits whereas ASCII character stream consists of bytes holding 7 meaningful(carrying information) bits. It is commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs to be stored and transferred over media that is designed to deal with textual data.
The process of transformation is described by converting the binary stream “HELLO” into its Base64 encoded representation. Needless to say the stream could include bytes of any value,but I have chosen printable characters for better visual representation.
The first thing to do is splitting the stream into chunks of 3 bytes each. If the stream length is Lin, it is obvious that the whole stream consists of Lin/3 chunks if Lin is divisible by 3.
If the stream length is not divisible by 3 - which is very often the case - the padding/addition of one or two extra bytes is done thus the following formula:
The stream “HELLO”’s length is not divisible by 3 so extra byte/s will be added to get 2 chunks of bytes to process at the end {‘HEL’,’LO?’}. Later we will see what stays in place of `?` symbol.
Base64 encoding.
The basic steps to convert a 3 byte input chunk to a 4 byte output chunk is as follows:
Fig.2 is a visual representation of the first chunk base64 encoding, according to the above algorithm.
When the number of bytes to encode is not divisible by three (that is, if there are only one or two bytes of input for the last 24-bit block), then the padding action is performed:
Extra bytes with value zero are added so there are three bytes, and then the conversion to base64 is done.
If there was only one significant input byte, only the first two base64 digits are picked (12 bits), and if there were two significant input bytes, the first three base64 digits are picked (18 bits). '=' characters might be added to make the last block contain four base64 characters.
The '==' sequence at the end of base64 encoded output stream indicates that the last group of the input contained only one byte(2 bytes short of the 3 byte size block), and '=' indicates that it contained only two bytes(1 byte short of the 3 byte size block).
Let us get back to our example!
The second chunk to encode of our example {‘LO’} is one byte short to the complete 3 byte size block so an extra byte of zero will be added.
The basic steps to convert an incomplete 3 byte input chunk to a 4 byte output chunk is as follows:
Fig.3 is a visual representation of the last chunk base64 encoding that is not divisible by 3, according to the above algorithm.
It is obvious the the input stream {HELLO} base64 encodes to {SEVMTE8=}
Output Length.
The number of base 64 encoded output bytes is calculated by the following formula, where Lin is the input stream length in bytes.
It is obvious that base64 encoding produces larger output stream in bytes compared to the input stream size.
Base64 decoding.
When decoding Base64 stream, four bytes are typically converted back to three bytes. The only exceptions are when padding characters exist. A single '=' indicates that the four bytes will decode to only two bytes, while '==' indicates that the four bytes will decode to only a single byte.
In theory, the padding character is not needed for decoding, since the number of missing bytes can be calculated from the number of Base64 digits.
I have included base64 encoding and decoding as well as length calculation applied on a stream of less than 192 bytes.
Base64 avr assembler implementation.
* BASE64
* Dynamic input stream size implementation.
* Process byte stream of length up to ((x/3)*4)<256
* Author: Sergey Iliev from Vakarel
;MIND RAM memory size
input: .byte 256 ;up to 256
input_size: .byte 1 ;input size is a parameter
block: .byte 3
.org 0x00F1
decodeoutput: .byte 256 ;up to 256 bytes
.org 0x019F
encodeoutput: .byte 256 ;up to 256 bytes
add @0,@2 ;Add low bytes
adc @1,@3 ;Add high bytes with carry
Base64 encoding.
/*********************ENCODE 64***********************************************************
;@INPUT: Z input buffer to encode
;cnt input buffer size
;Y 3 byte block buffer pointer
;X output buffer pointer
;@USAGE: cnt,ax,bx,cx
;@OUTPUT: output buffer base64 encoded
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
ldi XL,low(encodeoutput)
ldi XH,high(encodeoutput)
clr bx
ld ax,Z+
st Y+,ax
inc bx
;is block full with next 3 bytes to process
cpi bx,3
brne e64loopa
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
;(block_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
ld ax,Y
andi ax,0xfc
lsr ax
lsr ax
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[1] = ((block_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((block_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
ld ax,Y
andi ax,0x03
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+1
andi cx,0xf0
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[2] = ((block_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((block_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
ldd ax,Y+1
andi ax,0x0f
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+2
andi cx,0xC0
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[3] = block_3[2] & 0x3f;
ldd ax,Y+2
andi ax,0x3F
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
clr bx
dec cnt
tst cnt
brne e64loop
;are there left bytes (input size not devisable by 3)
tst bx
breq e64exit ;no left over
;fill up the missing bytes round to 3 with '0'
mov ax,bx
ldi cx,0
inc ax
st Y+,cx ;set to 0
cpi ax,3
brne e64loopb
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
;(block_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
ld ax,Y
andi ax,0xfc
lsr ax
lsr ax
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[1] = ((block_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((block_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
ld ax,Y
andi ax,0x03
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+1
andi cx,0xf0
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[2] = ((block_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((block_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
ldd ax,Y+1
andi ax,0x0f
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+2
andi cx,0xC0
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;block_4[3] = block_3[2] & 0x3f;
ldd ax,Y+2
andi ax,0x3F
;transform ax
rcall getcharset64
st X+,ax
;pad with '='
ldi ax,'='
inc bx
st -X,ax
cpi bx,3
brne e64loopc
Base64 decoding.
/*********************DECODE 64***********************************************************
;@INPUT: Z input buffer to encode
;Y 3 byte block buffer pointer
;X output buffer pointer
;cnt - length of the stream
;@USAGE: cnt,ax,bx,cx
;@OUTPUT: output buffer base64 decoded.
;@WARNING: there is no check that the input buffer to decode consists of base64 complient characters.
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
ldi XL,low(decodeoutput)
ldi XH,high(decodeoutput)
clr bx
ld ax,Z+
//transform back
rcall findindex64
st Y+,ax
inc bx
;is block full with next 4 bytes to process
cpi bx,4
brne d64loopa
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
;block_3[0] = (block_4[0] << 2) + ((block_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
ld ax,Y
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+1
andi cx,0x30
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
st X+,ax
;block_3[1] = ((block_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((block_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
ldd ax,Y+1
andi ax,0x0F
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+2
andi cx,0x3C
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
st X+,ax
;block_3[2] = ((block_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + block_4[3];
ldd ax,Y+2
andi ax,0x03
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+3
or ax,cx
st X+,ax
clr bx
dec cnt
tst cnt ;finished with input?
breq d64loopb
ld ax,Z
cpi ax,'=' ;padded bytes reached
breq d64loopb
rjmp d64loop
;are there left bytes (input size not devisable by 4)
tst bx
breq d64exit ;no left over
;fill up the missing bytes round to 4 with '0'
mov ax,bx
ldi cx,0
inc ax
st Y+,cx ;set to 0
cpi ax,4
brne d64loopc
ldi YL,low(block)
ldi YH,high(block)
;1st byte is always present. The padded chunk has '=='.
;block_3[0] = (block_4[0] << 2) + ((block_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
ld ax,Y
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+1
andi cx,0x30
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
st X+,ax
;2 byte could be present but could be not.The padded chunk had one '='
;If not present this will add 0 to the decoded stream.CAN YOU LIVE WITH IT?
;block_3[1] = ((block_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((block_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
ldd ax,Y+1
andi ax,0x0F
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
lsl ax
ldd cx,Y+2
andi cx,0x3C
lsr cx
lsr cx
or ax,cx
st X+,ax
;3th byte is never part of the decoded stream, when it comes to decoding the padded chunk.
;block_3[2] = ((block_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + block_4[3];
;ldd ax,Y+2
;andi ax,0x03
;lsl ax
;lsl ax
;lsl ax
;lsl ax
;lsl ax
;lsl ax
;ldd cx,Y+3
;or ax,cx
;st X+,ax
Helper functions.
//----get char value from index using base64 transformation table---
;@INPUT ax ->from [0 to 63] index
;@USE Z,r0
push ZH
push ZL
ldi ZH,high(charset64*2)
ldi ZL,low(charset64*2) ;Z-pointer <- ROM table end + 1
clr r0
ADD16 ZL,ZH,ax,r0
mov ax,r0
pop ZL
pop ZH
//----get index from a char value using base64 transformation table------
;@INPUT ax
;@USE Z,r0
;@OUTPUT ax ->from [0 to 63]
;@WARNING:input must be a charecter from the charset64.
push ZH
push ZL
push cnt
ldi ZH,high(charset64*2)
ldi ZL,low(charset64*2) ;Z-pointer <- ROM table end + 1
clr cnt
cp ax,r0
breq flexit
adiw Z,1
inc cnt
cpi cnt,64 ;should limit the looping
brne fl
mov ax,cnt ;set index result
pop cnt
pop ZL
pop ZH
//-------------------get output size of base64 encoding----------
;we are doing a byte arithmetic so input size X must be (X/3)*4<256 which is X<192
;@INPUT: cnt - input size
;OUTPUT: dres8u - size of base64 encoded stream
mov dd8u,cnt
ldi dv8u,3
clr drem8u
rcall div8u
tst drem8u ;is it devisable by 3 or not
breq gb64size
inc dres8u
gb64size: ;multiply by 4
lsl dres8u
lsl dres8u
;* "div8u" - 8/8 Bit Unsigned Division
;* This subroutine divides the two register variables "dd8u" (dividend) and
;* "dv8u" (divisor). The result is placed in "dres8u" and the remainder in
;* "drem8u".
;* Number of words :14
;* Number of cycles :97
;* Low registers used :1 (drem8u)
;* High registers used :3 (dres8u/dd8u,dv8u,dcnt8u)
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def drem8u =r22 ;remainder
.def dres8u =r23 ;result
.def dd8u =r23 ;dividend
.def dv8u =r24 ;divisor
.def dcnt8u =r25 ;loop counter
;***** Code
sub drem8u,drem8u ;clear remainder and carry
ldi dcnt8u,9 ;init loop counter
d8u_1: rol dd8u ;shift left dividend
dec dcnt8u ;decrement counter
brne d8u_2 ;if done
ret ; return
d8u_2: rol drem8u ;shift dividend into remainder
sub drem8u,dv8u ;remainder = remainder - divisor
brcc d8u_3 ;if result negative
add drem8u,dv8u ; restore remainder
clc ; clear carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_1 ;else
d8u_3: sec ; set carry to be shifted into result
rjmp d8u_1
charset64: .db "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"